Transform your skin from the inside out. AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare’s signature multiple modality laser protocol, the SpectraLift™ non-surgical facelift is based on our unique philosophy that if you give the skin exactly what it needs to naturally regenerate itself, it will!
Every laser has one thing that it is really good at. By using multiple laser devices in a single treatment session, you get the best from each which delivers dramatic and beautifully natural results. All the various signs of aging can be addressed in a single treatment that is both safe and effective.We have over 25 different lasers which enables us to develop treatments that work with every skin type.
The SpectraLift™ non-surgical laser facelift utilizes an amazing “spectrum” of lasers that work in concert to heal vascular lesions such as spider veins, broken capillaries and even rosacea, pigmented lesions such as sunspots and age spots, deteriorated collagen deep in the dermis, sagging skin, discolorations, wrinkles, roughness and scarring.Sun damage, age spots, sunspots, liver spots and melasma are individually (each spot) targeted during this phase of the SpectraLift™ non-surgical laser facelift treatment.
Then the overall base coloration of your face is gently stimulated (‘color blending’), causing the turn-over in baseline melanin (old melanin is replaced with new), evening out coloration.
3-4 weeks are required to see results, usually eliminating the need for foundation.During this phase of the SpectraLift™ non-surgical laser facelift, broken capillaries, spider veins, micro-vasculature (generalized redness), Rosacea, Cherry-Angiomas and any vascular birthmarks are individually targeted.
A visible difference in the appearance and amount of broken capillaries will be noticeable immediately after the first treatment. Most of our patients are surprised at just how red their skin was prior to treatment.
This phase of the SpectraLift™ non-surgical laser facelift targets deteriorated collagen deep in the dermis (the cause of deep wrinkles, sagging, and enlarged pores) to accelerate its removal by body’s own natural processes.
Fibroblast cells are also targeted throughout the dermis, stimulating production of amplified quantities of new collagen (the kind you had when you were young) that is healthy, firm, and toned. This treatment removes wrinkles from the inside out. Wrinkles will actually lighten, lift, and disappear, and pores will shrink.
With each successive treatment, we recommend a series of 3, the effects on fibroblasts are cumulative, resulting in progressively greater amounts of collagen production lasting longer periods of time. Week by week, for nearly a year after a SpectraLift™ non-surgical laser facelift, you’ll look progressively better as your skin becomes more porcelain-like.For patients whose faces and/or necks have excessive laxity (sagging), such as drooping under the jaw line (jowls) or ‘marionette lines’ at the corners of the mouth, a more intense collagen stimulation and remodeling procedure is administered during this phase of SpectraLift™ non-surgical laser facelift. The focus of this procedure is tightening and lifting the skin back into its natural, more youthful profile.
To enhance your comfort, stronger prescribed pain medication is often administered (please arrange for a driver to and from the clinic)
The results of this procedure can be dramatic even after the first treatment, and successive treatments will typically result in tremendous improvement towards the transformed youthful profile you’re seeking.
This phase of the SpectraLift™ non-surgical laser facelift removes, in an amazingly precise way, minuscule amounts (measured in microns!) of the dead layer of epidermis (stratum corneum), along with its imperfections, discolorations, fine wrinkles, and roughness.
This procedure also stimulates a faster cell cycle (3-5 days, like when you were a kid) in which the removed epidermal cells are replaced with younger, healthier cells.
This is an exciting process that you will experience as a ‘flakey dry peel’ 3-5 days after the procedure, as the remaining older epidermal cells of your skin undergo a complete exfoliation and replacement. Your skin will generate a brand new epidermis, resulting in smooth, radiant skin.
Fractional lasers, utilizing a laser beam ‘fractioned’ into thousands of tiny columns a few microns in diameter, are the newest form of delivering laser energy to the skin. Because of the specialized lenses used in this laser and the exquisitely engineered optics driving the device, each individual column of energy is so narrow, that the energetic intensity in the micro-column can be much higher than a standard- sized conventional laser beam.
This in turn allows much deeper penetration than standard lasers, as well as extraordinary precision. It regenerates collagen at the very deepest layers. This phase of the SpectraLift™ non-surgical laser facelift is especially powerful in removing wrinkles and any type of pitting and scarring.
Similar to microneedling, RF Microneedling has tiny little microneedles that go into the skin. What makes RF Microneedling special is that its microneedles are designed to deliver radio frequency energy deep into the skin.
The RF energy generates heat and deep dermal absorption of energy in the deepest layers of collagen, stimulating the dermis to generate new collagen in a geometric pattern that causes both contraction of existing collagen and generation of new collagen. This tightens, lifts, tones and strengthens the skin.This phase of the SpectraLift™ non-surgical laser facelift produces its best results on areas of the face that have more fatty tissue, such as the lower part of the face (jowls), under the chin and it is spectacular at tightening the skin of the neck. By adjusting the depth of penetration and energy output, areas such as the forehead, upper eyelids and temple area can also be tightened.
RF Microneedling is safe to use on any skin type. Patients can oftentimes see the tightening of their skin and shrinking of their pores immediately after the very first treatment. For the most dramatic results, a series of treatments are recommended.A. The SpectraLift™ non-surgical facelift is designed as a “multiple-modality” protocol, which means that we combine a number of different technologies together for a superior physiological response. Essentially, during the procedure we are simply stimulating your physiology to do what it used to do when you were 25 years old. Thus, for many weeks after the procedure, your skin will continue to rebuild itself, just at it did when you were 25 years old.
Accordingly, as new technologies emerge into the medical market place, we buy the best and integrate them into the protocol. For instance, now in addition to our 25 other lasers, we have a Radio Frequency laser that is far and away the most effective device ever for tightening the skin of the neck! We call it the “Neck-tite” laser!A. Yes, the SpectraLift™ non-surgical facelift is CUSTOMIZED for every patient. Thus what ever your skin condition is, there is a SpectraLift™ that is right for your skin.
In regards to psoriasis, it is important to understand that the underlying condition that is causing the skin illness is an “inflammatory auto-immune” disease. If the psoriasis can be healed, your skins health and beauty will improve dramatically. To that end, a new branch of medicine called “Regenerative Medicine” may have the best possible solution for you in the form of “Stem Cell” therapy.
At AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare, we offer the most advanced stem cell therapy in the world. Therefore, please feel free to come in to learn about both the SpectraLift™ and stem cell therapy. For keeping your skin strong and healthy on the inside, tight and beautiful on the outside, the SpectraLift™ Non-Surgical Facelift is by far the most physiologically-effective and cost-effective treatment anywhere… Bottom line, Great Results!
A. The biggest difference is that a surgical facelift does not deal at all with the physiological health and strength of the skin. It is actually quite traumatic to the skin as it simply detaches the skin from its underlying foundation, repositions it (or stretches it), reattaches it, and finally cuts away and disposes of any excess skin. Nothing has been done to increase the health of the skin so it continues to deteriorate and age as fast as it was before the surgery. As for results, looking at the studies done on this procedure indicate that on average a surgical face-lift will make you look 5-years younger and 75% of those who have the surgery still look better 5 years after the procedure.
A Non-Surgical facelift, utilizes many different types of lasers, is a totally different story. We have pioneered a holistic approach that stimulates the skin to function as it did when it was 25 years old. This causes the skin to begin regenerating new collagen which tightens, lifts and tones. The skin will continue to do this for as many as 18 months after the series of treatments. For many months after the treatment the skin will continue to progressively look better and better. For years to come the newly regenerated collagen will last in the skin.
A. The conditions being treated determines the number of treatments needed. Certain conditions often disappear in a single treatment such as spider veins. Other conditions also resolve very quickly such as sun spots, freckles and other pigmented lesions.
Bottom line, there are some who have endured a lot of sun damage or who are older that may need multiple treatments. Others may only need minor treatments.A. As a completely customized protocol, the SpectraLift is modified for the specific needs of each individual patient. Therefore, each SpectraLift procedure may require more or less time in the procedure room depending on what is needed to produce the desired results. To make it fair for each patient we charge by “time”. That way they only pay for exactly what they need and want. In addition to treatments on the face, some patients choose to also treat their neck and chest
The cost for the SpectraLift on the face is generally between $1850 to $3000 per session. Our prices end up being much less than other doctors who only use a single laser as we utilize a customized combination of many lasers during each treatment. We have over 25 different lasers and are experts in determining which of these lasers will produce the most fantastic results for your specific skin.
Bottom line, we have ever heard of any other medical practice that minute by minute invests even half as much time, effort, technology and value that we do.
A. QDI stands for Quick, Dramatic and Inexpensive and that’s exactly what it is!
QDI is a modified version of the SpectraLift. The protocol is completely customized for each patients, and consists of 3 lasers that target specific imperfections and conditions of your skin. Common choices are a laser for vascular issues such as broken capillaries, a laser for pigmentation issues such as sun spots and of course lasers that target collagen, to lift, tone, tighten and thicken the skin for an overall lift.
It greatly improves the physiological health and strength of your skin on the inside, as well as making it look fabulous and younger on the outside.A. We are all about getting results. More so than any other practice we have ever encountered, which is why we engage in so much research, and develop more comprehensive protocols than anyone we know in the industry. It is very rare for a patient of ours to not experience significant (if not spectacular) results.
Even the most challenging cases, where we have to make multiple modifications of the protocols in order to discover the “secret code” that stimulates and energizes a particular patient’s physiology, we find a way to “get the positive results” that everyone desires. Of course, this can only happen if the patient is willing to take the time while we test and customize their protocols. (We do this at our own expense!)
In fact, we are so committed to getting results for our most challenging patients, that whenever we discover a new technology or modality that is increasing the efficacy of our treatments, we typically call these challenging patients from the past, whose results were not as fabulous as we had hoped to achieve, and invite them to come in to experience these new protocols, to see if we can get them “back on track”… and of course, we do this at no charge.
A. The life expectancy of our procedures is yours to keep. In other-words, we stimulate your physiology so it makes the collagen at a high rate once again. So it is your own body doing the repairing, and regenerating as it did when you were younger. This is caused by the different lasers and the doctors knowledge and ability to use the lasers in this way . The results are beauty from the inside out. Your skin will age gracefully.
A. Unfortunately, we are the only medical practice that I know of that has developed the expertise to use a “Multiple Modality”, “SpectraLift” protocol in which many lasers are used in combination to treat skin. This not only requires many expensive lasers, but also a lot of time must be invested in learning how to customize these protocols for each patient.
We do receive numerous request from doctors all over the world who want to learn our technique and license our brand… so perhaps one day soon we will have someone in your neck of the woods who can provide you with a “SpectraLift” non-surgical face lift.
Of course, we would be honored to care for you here, in our clinics in Southern California!A. Absolutely not. Every customer arrives an hour early to rest in our massage chairs and have their face numbed. We begin by applying a thick coating of custom-made topical anesthetic, followed by a half-hour wait before applying a second layer of topical anesthetic to the skin. With this amount of numbing, 95% of our patients are very comfortable throughout the treatment.
Oral pain relievers and relaxing medicines are available for individuals who require a little more numbing. Bottom line, we can assure that each patient is comfortable enough to fall asleep during the treatment.
Today, CO2 Fraction Lasers and laser resurfacing are what Dr. Pien and I are going to be discussing.
Click here to add your own textEverything on our website comes from from reputable publications, books and scientific journals, most of which are available on PubMed and other government websites. These include Meta-Analysis’, Randomized Controlled Trials, Clinical Trials, Systematic Reviews, Books and Documents. We encourage you to read the science, in order to separate fact from fiction, so that you can arrive at a full understanding of what is best for your skin. We would be honored to be a part of that educational journey with you.
AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare | 1570 Brookhollow Dr., Santa Ana, CA 92705 | 6310 San Vicente Blvd STE 285, Los Angeles, CA, 90048 | Privacy Policy