As a leader in the use of advanced Integrative, Metabolic & Regenerative Medicine protocols, we treat a full spectrum of medical conditions.
In order to achieve the best possible results for you, successful treatments should start with a patient that is thoroughly educated. Therefore, we start our relationship with you with a free and private consultation wherein we invest one-on-one time to personally educate you.
During the consultation, we will begin to customize the most comprehensive and effective treatment possible for you. Thus you will have ample opportunity to ask lots of questions and explore the many options available to you.
Dear patients, please, feel free, feel encouraged, feel compelled and inspired to ask questions. The journey will be fascinating!
Request a Complimentary Integrative, Metabolic & Regenerative Medicine Consultation
Consultations via phone or video conferencing are also available.
NOTE: There is a fee for a Early Treatment TeleMedicine appointment with our medical staff.
In order to achieve the best possible results for you, successful treatments should start with a patient that is thoroughly educated. Therefore, we start our relationship with you with a free and private consultation wherein we invest an entire hour to personally educate you.
During the hour consultation we will begin to customize the most comprehensive and effective treatment possible for you. Thus you will have ample opportunity to ask lots of questions and explore the many options available to you.
Most importantly before your first treatment, it is imperative that we ensure that you have been able to create an “alignment between heart and mind”, which we believe is critical before one involves the body. This alignment is the purpose of the consultations we conduct, not just getting a signed “informed consent”.
Most importantly before the patient’s first treatment, it is imperative that we ensure that the patient has been able to create an “alignment between mind and heart”, which we believe is critical before one involves the body.
This alignment is the purpose of the consultations we conduct, not just getting a signed “informed consent”.
Allow me to explain…
Conventional consultations often deteriorate into a rehearsed recitation of the symptoms that the patient is suffering from, along with the assertion that these symptoms comprise definitive evidence of the established diagnosis of the disease. This is followed by a description of the treatment protocols that will be employed to address the patient’s symptoms. To the extent that underlying causative conditions are discussed at all, there typically is not sufficient time to explain in detail what is going on in the patient’s physiology.
Patients are required to watch these videos before they arrive for their consultation, and fortified with this knowledge, allows the creation of two critical outcomes during the consultation:
A) An elevated conversation about the patient’s physiology
B) An alignment between the patient’s mind and heart
About the “alignment of the patient’s mind and heart”: When a human is sick, we believe that the agent that inspires and motivates addressing the illness, is the patient’s heart, not their mind.
The mind after all, is a powerful engine of reasoning, logic, and rationalization, that is also capable of enormous cognitive dissonance.
The heart, on the other hand, does not function by reasoning and logic, intellectual processes and linear constructs of equational calculations do not pertain to the heart. Beyond logic and knowledge, the heart functions in the realms of intuition, wisdom, and connection to primal metaphysical/spiritual forces that animate purpose within all of creation.
While the mind seeks, contracts, and crystalizes around finite solutions that it defines as being “right”, the heart seeks, expands, and integrates into connections that defy definition and are infinite. The heart recognizes the resonance of truth and the ring of integrity, as well as the dissonance of falsehood and the cacophony of deception.
As we relate to our physiology, especially when we are sick, these properties of mind and heart are at play within us at a most fundamental level whether we are aware of it or not.
A full engagement in life.…. and when we are sick, engagement has – to some extent – “come off the rails”. The integrity of connection between us and the life force we are engineered to engage has slipped… and while our mind may concoct all sorts of stories to protect our fragile egos from embracing our vulnerability, our heart knows the truth.
The reason that a new patient is sitting in front of me, is not their mind, but their heart… it knows that the body that is bonded to the spirit of this patient, is “off track”…. and it seeks to reestablish the integrity of connection with life. The mind, which might have been in denial for a long time and been an obstacle in the path of the patient’s pursuit of help, is just trying to catch up. Indeed, the mind wants to find an avenue of healing that makes sense, and that appeals to its relentless need to be in control, and that satiates the irrepressible desire for a logical plan it can support. That is why our consultations start with a study of the relevant physiology… it gives the mind something to chew on, and thus, quells its agitation.
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It’s not about the symptoms, or the science, but about the experience behind the symptoms that must be engaged. The question that we often ask, in-order-to open a portal to that depth of experience, is:
“What is that like for you?”
“So, you wake up tired every morning…. What is that like for you? “
“So, your brain is foggy all the time… what is that like for you?”
Beyond the description of the symptom, what is the experience behind the symptom? What would your life be like if you didn’t have this condition? Etc.
It is in the depth, and intimate nature of this conversation that “stewardship” of the patient over his/her physiology can be awakened and reinforced, in devotion to restoring the integrity of connection to life. It is at this point that alignment of mind and heart is established… and it is at this point that the body becomes a willing participant in the contemplated treatments.
This is a sacred mission.
We know it… and are humbled by it… and as physicians, scientists, and healers, we are privileged to be a part of this process.
AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare | 1570 Brookhollow Dr., Santa Ana, CA 92705 | 6310 San Vicente Blvd STE 285, Los Angeles, CA, 90048 | Privacy Policy