Our comprehensive multiple-modality laser treatment for acne scarring utilizes protocols that stimulate the natural rebuilding of your acne scarred skin to be younger, healthier and smoother.
Laser treatment for acne scars is a treatment designed to reverse the scarring commonly seen is people with cystic acne that can physically disfigure a person. Scarring can have a significant psychological impact as acne scars can last a lifetime.
According to one study on the prevalence of acne scarring, the kind and degree of the scarring is directly related to the location, severity, and length of time the acne was present before receiving successful treatment. In up to 95% of cases, facial scarring affects both sexes equally.Depending on the level hyper-proliferation and/or loss of collagen, acne scars can be classified as atrophic, hypertrophic or keloid. A person may have one or more of these that affect the same area of skin.
Atrophic scars are by far the most common with 80% to 90% of people having this type and therefore we are going to focus this article on Atrophic acne scars. These appear as indentations in the skin as a result of inflammation deep in the dermis causing damage and collagen loss followed by contraction when the acne resolves. Atrophic acne scars can further be classified into 3 subtypes.
Scars that are hypertrophic and keloidal are treated differently than Atrophic scarsand therefore will be discussed in a separate article.
Every individual acne scar is different from all others with its own unique internal structure. This makes them difficult and complicated to treat. Every acne scar needs to be individually assessed and requires customized treatment protocols according to each patient’s specific needs.
Our advanced laser treatment protocols for acne scars are very comprehensive. They typically include numerous types of lasers specific for working with collagen and other scar tissue. Acne scar tissue is remodeled into smooth healthy collagen and new growth of young, healthy collagen is generated. Skin that has been damaged by acne cysts is smoothed and resurfaced.
Of course, any discoloration, such as dark pigmented spots, vascular lesions and broken capillaries that are common with acne scars are also treated. Your skin will return as closely as possible to an even and consistent tone, to what it was before the cystic acne caused the acne scars.
In most cases, laser acne scar treatments are integrated with a package of:
Between laser treatment for acne scar sessions, a series of non-laser treatments are typically scheduled along with hyperbaric oxygen treatments.
During your complimentary consultation, our doctors will access your particular scarring and recommend the specific acne scar treatment that will be the most effective for you.
They will explain to you the many different treatments available. Why your acne scars will respond best to this set of treatments, or that set of treatments and provide a step-by-step outline of the protocol. You’ll also be advised about the proper pre and post-treatment skin care instructions.
A typical laser treatment for acne scars protocol usually includes 3-5 different lasers per session, as well as a variety of non-laser modalities. The non-laser modalities are chosen to stimulate your skin’s regenerative potential, such as hyperbaric oxygen treatments
Depending on the severity of the acne scarring and the physiological responsiveness of the patient, laser treatment for acne scars typically requires a series of treatments, in 6-8 week intervals, to see maximal results.
To sum it up, we engage, stimulate and direct your own physiological machinery, which does the actual work of Repairing, Regenerating and “Rebirthing” your skin… to reduce and remove your acne scars.
and microneedling also know as Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT).
After your laser treatment, expect some degree of redness, ranging from a mild “sunburn” pink to a deep red (depending on skin type and skin sensitivity). Patients are photo-sensitive to sunlight for up to 48 hours following the laser treatment, so it’s best to stay indoors and out of direct or indirect sunlight. It is normal to experience some skin peeling and crusting for several days afterwards. A strict skin care regimen must be adhered to during the first week to ensure proper healing and optimal results.
We appreciate the enormous difference being free of acne scars and proud of your face can make. We would be honored to help you achieve the glowing, confidence-building, happy and beautiful skin you deserve.A. The collagen matrix of the skin is very complex and regeneration can not be created overnight. Positive changes are generally seen by the average patient after the 2nd week. These positive changes will continue to accumulate for 6 months.
There are many scientific theories as to why cystic acne scarring responds so well to lasers. The fact is that the skin’s own regenerative capacity is truly amazing and it can be directed and stimulated by laser energy. When the laser protocol is properly customized for each patient’s skin it can stimulate the bodies natural regenerative resources to rebuild damaged tissue. It is important to know that it is not the doctor, or the laser, that heals you scars. While a skilled and wise doctor designs the laser protocol based on the unique physiological cues of each patients skin, it is the skin itself that does the work rebuilding health, new skin in the weeks between treatments.
A. To treat your cystic acne scars and achieve maximal healing a customized approach is required. To regenerate healthy, strong and beautiful skin a combination of many different types of laser are utilized, including CO2 fractional laser. We may also use many other therapeutic modalities, from low tech micro-needling, to the highest reaches of Regenerative Medicine found in Stem Cell therapy.
A. We have a different and unique approach to acne scars. We combine many modalities together including dozens of lasers, which gives us the ability of delivering the results you are looking for. Our unique treatments focus on delicate, progressive and precise stimulation of your own physiological capacity to generate new skin that artfully remodels your acne scars to blend with the rest of your skin.
A. This treatment will cause your skin to regenerate a new dermal collagen matrix. The results will last for years.
Everything on our website comes from from reputable publications, books and scientific journals, most of which are available on PubMed and other government websites. These include Meta-Analysis’, Randomized Controlled Trials, Clinical Trials, Systematic Reviews, Books and Documents. We encourage you to read the science, in order to separate fact from fiction, so that you can arrive at a full understanding of what is best for your skin. We would be honored to be a part of that educational journey with you.
AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare | 1570 Brookhollow Dr., Santa Ana, CA 92705 | 6310 San Vicente Blvd STE 285, Los Angeles, CA, 90048 | Privacy Policy