How would you like to have smooth and silky skin for life? Permanent laser hair removal can make that a reality.
Forget about shaving and razor burn, the monthly expense of waxing, and chemical depilatories that irritate your skin! All of these hair removal treatments are extremely hard on your skin. From causing razor burn, rashes, and ingrown hairs to stripping layers of skin off with waxing, all in the name of smoother skin.
It doesn’t have to be that way!
Here at AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare our skilled laser hair removal specialists use state of the art laser technology to remove all that unwanted hair, permanently and with zero damage to your skin!
You will never again have to worry about getting ready for bikini season. You’ll be bikini ready all year long! It’s that simple.
Darker hair responds more easily to laser treatment, but even the lightest color hair can be eradicated.
Dark pigment (melanin) in the hair shaft and the papilla (hair follicle root) are targeted by a specific light-energy emitted by the laser. The treatment region is treated with a monochromatic laser or a broadband strong pulsed light of a specific wavelength absorbed largely by melanin.
Melanin will heat up as it absorbs light energy. Thermal diffusion causes this heat to heat the neighboring follicular structure. The heat is applied at just the proper temperature to cause thermal damage to the hair and follicular structure while preserving the skin around it.
In other words, in a fraction of a second, the hair is simply vaporized without damaging the skin or any surrounding tissue.A hair follicle is made up of three parts: the infundibulum, the isthmus, and the hair bulb. The inferior section of the hair follicle contains the hair bulb and dermal pilli and is located below the arrector pilli muscle insertion.
The hair bulb is composed of germinative matrix cells interspersed with melanocytes.
The dermal papilla is made up of dermal sheath cells and is positioned near the base of the hair bulb. It has a plentiful blood supply, which provides nutrients for the growth of new hair.
The bulge is about one-third of the way from the skin’s surface to the bulb and includes pluripotent stem cells. The hair development centers are the matrix cells in the bulb, the dermal papilla, and the outer root sheath and dermal sheath in the bulge.Hair grows in cycles, alternating between a growing (anagen) phase and a dormant (telogen) phase. The mature phase (catagen) is the interval between the two.
On average, a hair follicle will cycle through these phases every 4-12 weeks, depending on which part of the body is growing the hair. When dark hair is treated, it’s always vaporized regardless of the phase. However, the follicle itself will stop making hair only if treated during the active growth phase when the hair shaft is still connected to the papilla, making it vulnerable to the laser energy destroying it.
Therefore, permanent laser hair removal can only be accomplished during the anagen or the active growing period. That is why it takes several treatments precisely spread apart to achieve total hair removal.
It’s the pigment (melanin) in the hair that actually absorbs laser energy. So the darker the hair, the more laser energy is absorbed, ensuring hair vaporization and papilla destruction.
Additionally, the thicker the hair, the more laser energy is absorbed. Think of the hair shaft as a lightning rod. The thicker the rod, the more electricity it absorbs. Thick jet-black hair is the easiest to remove.
Patients with light blonde, grey or white hair without sufficient melanin will need to apply a specially formulated pharmaceutical gel, which infuses the follicle with a substance that mimics melanin and absorbs laser energy.To achieve permanent hair removal, a series of laser hair removal treatments approximately 4-6 weeks apart are usually required. That is to ensure that every follicle is treated in the active growth phase when the papilla is present.
There are an immense array of lasers available for laser hair removal nowadays. Diode lasers, Ruby lasers, Alexandrite lasers, Nd-YAG lasers and IPL devices. The size of the region covered by each laser energy pulse varies depending on the device.It used to be that darker skin was very difficult to treat because the energy of the laser absorbed by the hair was also being absorbed by the pigment in the skin. Since then, more advanced lasers with different energy frequencies have been developed to bypass the pigment in the skin altogether, and absorb directly into the follicle, destroying the follicle’s hair-making capability.
Please watch the video above. For information regarding the challenges, truths and misconceptions of darker skin and lasers, visit our Darker Skin FAQ page.
In one pulse lasting a fraction of a second, the laser removes hair on a patch of skin the size of a quarter. The laser hair removal sensation feels like a hair being plucked or getting snapped by a rubber band.
The lasers incorporate a patented, state-of-the-art, integrated cooling system acting as a natural anesthetic, cooling down the skin to minimize any discomfort. Patients unanimously report that the hair removal treatment is a “piece of cake” compared to waxing.The face is the most often requested treatment location by patients. For many years, women have used temporary hair removal treatments such as waxing, plucking, threading, and electrolysis.
For women with skin type 1 and very fine hair, laser hair removal is not very effective due to their hairs low melanin content.
Darker skinned women who suffer from Pseudofolliculitis barbae have excellent results with laser hair removal. Ingrown hairs, hair lumps, and inflammatory pigmentation on the face and neck caused by this disorder are effectively reduced. To preserve the good results acheived regular follow-up treatments will be needed.
Interestingly, women from South Asia, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East respond effectively to laser hair removal on their chin and lip areas but do not respond well on their cheek and forehead areas. Why this is is not fully understoodChest hair between or above the breasts responds well to laser hair removal and all areas can be treated safely.
Short-wavelength lasers can be used to safely treat the areola due to its lack of melanin.This region responds nicely to laser hair removal and only needs a topical anesthetic 25% of the time.
All regions, including the periclitoral and perianal areas, can be treated.
Women with fair skin should exercise caution since the top of the leg and medial thigh may have been exposed to the sun when wearing a swimsuit. To lessen the likelihood of hyperpigmentation, these sun-exposed regions may require less laser energy.Laser hair removal of the beard produces outstanding results. A lot of laser energy is absorbed by the hair because it is so coarse and dense. This causes a lot of heat which can lead to irritation especially during the first few treatments.
The hair of the beard area is never permanently gone. Shaving is still necessary, albeit less regularly. Men typically reduce their shaving to twice weekly following laser hair removal. Also, shaving is significantly easier since the remaining hair is much finer.
Many men elect to have hair removal of the beard as it will significantly decrease the incidence of ingrown hairs.These two locations are coarse, thick, and extremely sensitive, necessitating the administration of topical anesthetic prior to laser treatment.
When removing hair from both the chest and back it is best to alternate between the 2 areas. The area will be sensitive after treatment so having one or the other to lie down on is beneficial.Expect a little pink / red “puffiness” and small bumps like “goose bumps (follicular edema) immediately after the treatment. The area may feel as if it was sun burned. These symptoms should subside within a few hours (2 – 3 days at most).
Approximately 1-3 weeks after the treatment, treated hair will push its way out of the skin to eventually fall out (exfoliation). It may even seem that the hair is growing. Don’t worry, the hair is “dead” and is simply being pushed “over board” by healthy skin doing some house cleaning.With time, typical skin will grow new hair from newly active follicles that have never before been active. This is a common occurrence due to normal life changes, maturation, aging and hormonal cycles for both men and women.
Therefore, even after a thorough and effective series of laser hair removal treatments clearing all the hair from a given area, new hair may appear that will require an occasional touch-up treatment.A. Yes, it is completely safe. In fact, once your hair is permanently removed your skin will most likely be much happier and healthier. No longer will you need to do things that are hard on your skin such as waxing, shaving, threading or using depilatories. This will leave you skin much happier.
A. Yes. The root of the hair is targeted by the laser to kill the source of the hair growth. This also prevents that hair from regrowing in the future.
However, over time, skin can grow new hair from follicles that are newly activated. Meaning that the follicles where never active before and did not grow hair. Normal life changes make this a common occurrence such as aging, maturation and hormonal cycles for both women and men.
Therefore, even after series of hair removal treatments that have thoroughly removed all the hair from a specific area, it is possible that new hair will appear. This new hair growth can be easily removed with an occasional touch-up treatment.
A. It is the pigment (melanin) in you hair that absorbs the laser energy and vaporizes the follicle. Thus, laser hair removal is not effective on white hair as it has no melanin to target.
There is a substance called Meladine that will solve the problem. A liquid solution is introduced into your hair follicles that will absorb the laser energy. While this is not as effective as the natural melanin, it is an effective solution for treating white hair.
A. Body order is intensified in many cases by the the bacteria that live around and in the hair follicles. Therefore, the results of laser hair removal not only result in smoother and cleaner skin but also skin that smells much better.
A. During the first few days following laser hair removal some the hair that was treated will fall out. Don’t worry, this is not new hair growth. The exposed portion of the hair was vaporized by the laser and the unexposed portion of the hair is now being pushed out. It can appear as new hair growth, but is not.
A. For darker skin, the NdYAG 1064 is the laser frequency of choice.
A. Yes, someone under 18 years old CAN have laser hair removal…with a few conditions.
A. Yes. The penetration depth of the laser is affected by the density of hair at the treatment location. The denser the hair, the more energy that is absorbed by the melanin-rich hair shafts, limiting the penetration depth. With each successive treatment, the hair density decreases, resulting in deeper penetration of the energy. Therefore, deeper setting follicles, in a particularly hairy area will be vaporized in later treatment sessions than in earlier treatments.
A. Yes. Body order is exacerbated by germs that dwell in and near hair follicles. In such instances, permanent hair removal frequently results in cleaner, smoother skin that smells much better!!
Everything on our website comes from from reputable publications, books and scientific journals, most of which are available on PubMed and other government websites. These include Meta-Analysis’, Randomized Controlled Trials, Clinical Trials, Systematic Reviews, Books and Documents. We encourage you to read the science, in order to separate fact from fiction, so that you can arrive at a full understanding of what is best for your skin. We would be honored to be a part of that educational journey with you.
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