My Laser Face Lift – Thick Skin can be a Good Thing – by Bree Walker
Repost of an article originally written in 2006 (Just imagine how much more sophisticated the technology and the techniques have become since then!) It’s been said that a working journalist must have thick skin but I never thought this…
What is a FaceLift? – The Surgical Facelift VS The Non-Surgical Facelift
WHAT IS A FACELIFT? Facelift surgery provides a method to smooth out lines on your face and give you an overall younger appearance. No matter what you do to care for your skin, wrinkling and sagging is a natural part of aging.…
What is a Birthmark & Does Birthmark Removal Work?
We’ve all seen them and some of us have even been born with them—but the truth remains that no one really knows where birthmarks come from and what causes them. Today we explore the different types of birthmarks out there,…
A Facelift Without Surgery – The SpectraLift Non-Surgical Facelift
Is it true or even possible that one could have a facelift without surgery that provides real results without going under the knife? The answer is YES! At AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare we are continually striving to create…
Shaving VS Laser Hair Removal? Which is Better?
Unwanted hair is often viewed as the proverbial bane of our beauty blunders. Today, there are so many different methods of hair removal available that it can be hard to choose the best option. Shaving is the long-standing winner…
17 Tips for Removing and Preventing Ingrown Hairs
17 Tips for Removing and Preventing Ingrown Hairs One method of removing an ingrown hair is using a sharp object to gently lift the hair out of the follicle. You are shaving… You notice a few small bumps on your skin… They kind of look like pimples but not really… Are they hives, insect bites?… […]
Anti Aging Laser Treatments to Reverse the Signs of Aging
Most of us pay no attention to how fantastic our skin really is. As one of the largest most important organs in our bodies, our skin works to protect internal organs and provides many other functions that we often take for granted.…
All About Radio Frequency Skin Tightening
All About Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Radio frequency microneedling is an RF based technology that helps with skin tightening. More than 14 million people a year visit plastic surgeons to have some form of surgical skin tightening performed. While not as effective as the surgical options, the less invasive and “cutting edge” technology of radio frequency skin […]
Jowls : What Causes Them and How to Get Rid of Them (non-surgically)
Jowls : What Causes Them and How to Get Rid of Them (non-surgically) First you must understand what causes jowls in order to eliminate them Once upon a time…. the skin on our face was tight and toned, and our cheeks proudly proclaimed to the world “I am healthy, and filled with vim vigor and vitality” […]