The Benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid – More than Just Skin Care

The Benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid – More than Just Skin Care If we deliver Alpha Lipoic Acid to damaged skin will it help it? Every so often the airwaves fill with news about a new miracle substance that can cause skin tightening and make your skin young again, as if you magically had a neck lift […]
Skin Tags : Causes, Prevention, Removal

They look like small flats of hanging skin and are more common than you imagine. Although not dangerous or painful, skin tags, scientifically known as acrochordon or fibroepithelial polyps, are a source of discomfort. That…
Eczema : Symptoms, Causes, Types, Diagnosing & Myths

Why write an entire article on the different types of eczemas? After all, they’re just rashes that can’t be cured and tend to go away on their own, right? While the above may be true, it’s also true that eczema is an…
The Secret to Young, Healthy Skin – How to Look Younger

The Secret to Young, Healthy Skin – How to Look Younger The secret of how to look younger is within your own skin. Did you know your skin has the power to transform itself from within into a younger, more healthier state? At AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare, you’ll find the ideal balance of rigorous […]
Myofascial Release Therapy – Heal Your Body Holistically

What is Myofascial Release Therapy? Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) is a safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the myofascial connective tissue (fascial system) restrictions…
The Top 5 Foods that are Good for Your Skin

Foods are a huge part of dictating how we look and feel on the inside, which is a direct reflection of how we look on the outside. Top 5 Foods that are Good for Your Skin Making sure that you are working hard to dictate your…
The Effects of Stress on the Body and Skin

Did you know that the effects of stress on the body can cause a variety of beauty problems and skin conditions? Read on to find out how chronic stress can affect your skin and what you can do to stop it. The Effects of Stress on…
17 Tips for Removing and Preventing Ingrown Hairs

17 Tips for Removing and Preventing Ingrown Hairs One method of removing an ingrown hair is using a sharp object to gently lift the hair out of the follicle. You are shaving… You notice a few small bumps on your skin… They kind of look like pimples but not really… Are they hives, insect bites?… […]
DMAE – Is it Really a “Facelift-in-a-Jar”?

DMAE… Skin Tightening Cream? For all those who are looking for a “quick fix” for skin tightening, DMAE sounds like a dream come true. It is marketed under the clever moniker “facelift-in-a-jar”, which conjures up images…
The Skin : 11 Amazing Functions & Why You Should Take Care of it

The Skin : 11 Amazing Functions & Why You Should Take Care of it Your Skin is Amazing! These are The 11 Amazing Functions of your Skin Before you consider what you can do to make your skin healthier and more beautiful, it is imperative that you understand the physiological nature of your skin. Hopefully, with […]