Collagen Supplements – The Care and Feeding of Your Collagen

Collagen Supplements – The Care and Feeding of Your Collagen Collagen supplements for the care and feeding of your collagen looking skin.  In fact, even for people who are un-educated about collagen, society is filled with advertisements about supplements, vitamins and products that improve skin by “boosting” your collagen. Do collagen supplements work? Bottom line:  […]

Which Collagen Treatments Actually Benefit Your Skin?

Which Collagen Treatments Actually Benefit Your Skin? The truth behind collagen treatments and which will actually benefit your skin. Wondering where all that collagen went? As we age, our skin’s ability to produce collagen diminishes. And depending on our lifestyle proclivities, from too much sunning to unhealthy habits like smoking or poor diet, collagen breakdown can leave us weathered, wrinkled and […]

It’s All About the Collagen… The Basic Biology of Healthy Skin

It’s All About the Collagen… The Basic Biology of Healthy Skin The building blocks of your skin (scanning electron microscopy of collagen fibers). Before we can dive into getting rid of wrinkles or sagging skin, we first need to understand the basic biology of collagen.  However, I do understand that unless you are excited by science, you might […]

Microneedling : What is it? Does it Work? What are the Results?

Microneedling : What is it? Does it Work? What are the Results? Microneedling rejuvenates your skin’s collagen through an acupuncture-like treatment. Microneedling : All natural skin tightening and collagen generation  Ever hear the adage: “what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger”? Well… being pricked with a needle definitely won’t kill you, but it’s also […]